Saturday, April 11, 2015

Bookstore Dashboard

Bookstore Dashboard 

Q1: Which supplier has the most revenue?

*Attribute: Supplier.             *Metric: Revenue.

 Based on graph 1 the supplier with the highest revenue is Virgin Records with  $16,249,975
Q2: which book category had the most revenue?

*Attribute: Book category.    *Metric: Revenue.

     Based on graph 2, Action Movies has the highest revenue recorded $15,897,317
Q3: Which book is most expensive?

*Attribute: Book category.     *Metric: Unit price.

      According to graph 3, Comedy Movies are the most expensive recorded at $61,798.30
Q4: Which city sold most books?

*Attribute: City.                      *Metric: Unit sold.

 According to graph 4, New York city has the most unit sold recorded 574,392 
Q5: In which month(s) is the bookstore showing high productivity?

*Attribute: Month.                   Metric: Revenue.

     Based on graph 5, December has the highest revenue recorded at $23,545,674

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